What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

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If you’ve sustained a work-connected illness or injury, you have the right to receive worker’s compensation insurance benefits. But insurance providers routinely deny workers’ compensation claims even if they are legitimate. Fortunately, working with an experienced workers’ comp lawyer will help increase your chances of getting compensation by:

Ensuring You Have Solid and Accurate Evidence

Inadequate medical evidence is the top reason insurance companies cite for denying claims. A skilled workers’ compensation lawyer will know, based on the specific facts surrounding your claim, what evidence you will need to ensure the best outcome for your claim.

Negotiating Your Workers’ Comp Settlement Agreement

Your attorney knows all about the negotiating tactics that insurance adjusters use to trick innocent workers into accepting a low settlement offer. Likewise, your attorney will ensure that you obtain maximum compensation for your injuries.

Representing You in Court

Your claim will proceed to an administrative trial or hearing if you can’t reach a settlement agreement with the insurance company. Also, if you are not satisfied with the trial’s outcome, your lawyer can help you make an appeal.

Contact a Dedicated Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in South Carolina Now

To learn more about your claim and what our skilled South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyer can do for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Dan Pruitt Injury Law Firm. You can arrange a free review or your workers’ compensation claim with our South Carolina workers’ comp lawyer by calling 864-280-7660 or filling out our quick online form.

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Workers’ Compensation Claim FAQ

Who’s eligible to receive workers’ comp benefits?

Part-time and full-time employees, but not independent contractors and volunteers.

Can I still receive workers’ comp benefits if I was at fault for my injury?

Yes, because the workers’ compensation insurance system follows the no-fault standard. But you might be prohibited from recovering compensation if the injury was self-inflicted or you were doing something illegal when you got injured.

What if the insurance company denied my workers’ compensation claim?

You have all the right to file an appeal if the insurer wrongly denied your claim.

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