When you make the choice to put your loved one in an assisted living facility, you expect that they will be properly cared for. Regardless of why a person is in assisted living, they should be treated with respect and dignity. An incident that took place late last year in neighboring North Carolina raises many questions about the safety of elderly residents in nursing homes here in Greenville, South Carolina.
They operated a “dementia fight club”
In October 2019, police in Winston-Salem received a tip about elder abuse occurring at Danby House, an assisted living and memory-care facility. Their investigation subsequently led to the arrest of three employees who were running a makeshift fight club. Their fighters were the dementia patients they were supposed to be caring for. All three employees were arrested and charged with assault on an individual with a disability.
According to police reports, the employees filmed residents in Danby House’s “special care unit” fighting in residents’ rooms while other healthcare workers at the facility watched and recorded the incident on their own phones. In one incident, the “fighters” were 70 years old and 73 years old. Video shows one patient falling onto the bed while being assaulted and calling for help.
Could this happen in Greenville?
Yes, this could certainly happen in our area. Any person who has a loved one that resides in an assisted living facility needs to be aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse. Visit your loved one frequently and look out for the following:
- Malnutrition or dehydration
- Bedsores, pressure sores, pressure ulcers
- Any unexplained weight loss
- Suspected physical injury evidenced by painful reactions when touched
- Unexplained bruises, torn skin, broken bones, or broken teeth.
You should also be aware of behavioral indicators of abuse that may not have physical signs, including:
- Anxiety
- Confusion or disorientation
- Defensiveness
- Depression
- Fear of certain members of staff or volunteers
- Fear
- Helplessness
- Hesitation to talk openly
- Giving implausible excuses
- Non-responsiveness
- Withdrawal
- Agitation
- Anger
Contact a skilled nursing home abuse attorney today
If you suspect your loved one has been abused in an assisted living facility, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. The Greenville assisted living abuse attorneys at the Dan Pruitt Law Firm offer a free consultation of your case so we can discuss the steps necessary to protect your loved one and secure the compensation they deserve.