When you relocate to a new state, there are so many details you need to consider prior to your move. In addition to finding the ideal job and place to live, you also need to consider how much car insurance you will need to legally drive your car on Greenville, South Carolina, roads and highways. Everyone is aware of the fact that the purpose of car insurance is to provide coverage for yourself and other drivers in case you are in a Greenville car accident. It is imperative for you to check with the South Carolina Department of Insurance to determine how much coverage you will need prior to moving to the state.
There is nothing worse than moving to a new area and getting into a car accident and realizing you do not have the appropriate coverage. If you do not carry the correct amount of insurance coverage, you open yourself up to the threat of being financially responsible for any damages your insurance does not adequately cover. You do not want to risk being involved in a lawsuit, as it can be expensive and change your life forever. If you or someone you love suffers injuries in a Greenville car accident, you may need a car accident attorney to help you navigate through the settlement process.
Car Insurance Minimums for South Carolina
Here are the basic car insurance minimums you will need to operate a motor vehicle on the road or highway in Greenville, South Carolina:
- A minimum of $25,000 worth of coverage to compensate bodily injury or death to one person in one car accident;
- A minimum of $50,000 worth of coverage to compensate bodily injury or death to two or more people in one car accident
- A minimum of $25,000 worth of coverage to compensate for damage or destruction to the property of others in a car accident.
As a new resident of South Carolina, you will have to maintain liability insurance on your car in order to drive. Anyone that does not keep coverage on their vehicle may have their car registration and plate suspended as well as lose their license. Reinstatement fees after your license plate and registration are suspended $200. In addition to the reinstatement fee, you will have to pay $5 for each day you do not have car insurance.
Anyone not wanting to buy liability insurance coverage for the vehicle they drive can choose to register as an uninsured motorist, per a legislative law passed in 1999. It will cost you $550 to register your car this way and is a risky way to drive your car on Greenville roads and highways. By registering your car in this manner, you are telling the state you do not have liability insurance coverage on your car and do not plan to get any insurance. If this is the option you choose to select, you should consult with a Greenville car accident attorney before making your final decision to make sure you completely understand the ramifications of your choice. A Greenville car accident lawyer will explain to you that when you do not carry liability insurance on your car, you will be financially responsible for any and all compensation for damage to property and personal injuries if you are in a collision. You will also be opening the door for the other driver in the crash to sue you for damages and compensation.
The Process of Assessing Damages in a Greenville Car Accident
After the dust settles from your car accident in Greenville, South Carolina, the difficult task of determining fault comes into play. It is a good idea for you to seek the advice and counsel of a car accident attorney in your area to help you determine how you should go after compensation for your damages from the accident. You will want to have a complete understanding of the auto insurance claims process before filing your claim so that you will be able to decide how to proceed with your case.
A Greenville car accident attorney can explain the “at fault” system South Carolina uses to assess damages in automobile accidents. An “at fault” system means that if another driver hits your car, you will have to present evidence indicating the other driver was the cause of the accident to collect damages. Your lawyer will also tell you about the “modified comparative negligence” rule South Carolina uses to determine the reason for an accident. Under this rule, a driver may be able to receive compensation for damages even if you are partly to blame for the accident, but you have to be less at fault than the other driver to collect.
What Can a Greenville Car Accident Attorney Do for Me After a Collision?
When you are in a car accident, you may have numerous questions surrounding liability and how you can collect compensation for your damages. A Greenville car accident attorney will be able to answer your questions and offer you suggestions on the best way to go after the responsible party. If you or your loved one sustains injuries, a lawyer will be able to negotiate with the other driver’s insurance carrier for you so you can focus on recuperating from your injuries. An attorney will be your best ally as they will be working for you to protect your rights and make sure you and your family receive the compensation to cover your medical expenses and any lost wages to replace the income you lose from being out of work.
Call the Dan Pruitt Injury Law Firm for Assistance with Your Greenville, SC, Car Accident Case
If you or someone you love has injuries from a car accident, call us to schedule a case review so we can discuss the details of your case and decide the best way to proceed. A Greenville car accident attorney from our firm will take the time to explain the car accident claims process to you and make sure you get the justice you deserve. Contact our office today so we can get to work on your case.