Protecting Your Legal Rights after a Greenville Car Accident

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Car accidents injure people on a daily basis, sometimes with extremely serious consequences. In fact, statistics published by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicate there were more than six million police-report accidents in the United States during 2014. In many of these cases, victims were legally entitled to compensation for the losses they sustained as a result of their accident, including their medical expenses, property damage, lost income, and physical and emotional pain and suffering. Importantly for victims, there are certain steps that can be taken in the hours and days following an SC accident lawyer that can maximize their chances of recovering compensation, the most important of which are detailed below. For advice regarding a specific incident, call our office today.

Call 911

The first thing you should do after involvement in a motor vehicle accident is call 911. Doing so will alert authorities to the crash and ensure that both emergency medical personnel and law enforcement arrive at the scene.

Gather Information

If you are physically able, you should collect as much information about the way in which they accident occurred as possible. If feasible, take photographs of the scene of the accident and any hazards or conditions that you believe may have caused or contributed to your accident. Some examples of the kinds of facts of which to make note include the following:

  • The names of the other drivers involved;
  • The weather conditions at the time of the accident;
  • The license plate numbers of the vehicles involved;
  • Insurance information from the other drivers; and
  • Contact information from anyone that may have witnessed the accident.

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Undergo a Thorough Medical Evaluation

If you are involved in an accident, it is important to undergo a thorough medical evaluation, even if you do not believe that you have been seriously hurt. There are many types of injuries, such as whiplash, that may not become symptomatic for a significant amount of time after an accident occurs. In addition, the severity of injuries may not become clear for weeks after an accident occurs, and it is important to have them properly diagnosed immediately after the accident in order to be able to establish that they were caused by the accident.

Call a Lawyer

Many car accident victims wonder whether they need to hire a lawyer, particularly when an insurance company makes a settlement offer with the first few days or weeks after an accident. By retaining an attorney, you can ensure that you will not say or do anything that may jeopardize your ability to recover compensation and that you receive the full value of your claim. For this reason, it is highly advisable for anyone hurt in car crash to call a lawyer as soon as he or she can.

Contact Greenville, South Carolina Car Accident Attorney Today to Retain Legal Representation

If you have been hurt in an auto accident that you believe was the result of someone else’s negligence should contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Greenville car accident lawyer Dan Pruitt has been practicing law for more than 20 years and is committed to obtaining the largest possible settlement or award for each client he takes. To schedule a free consultation with Dan Pruitt Injury Law call our office today.

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