What If I am Returned to Light Duty | South Carolina Workers Compensation Law

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Returning to work after an accident is a gradual process. In many Workers’ Compensation cases, there is a possibility of returning to work before you have fully recovered. This is known as performing “light duty.” If a doctor has cleared you to return to “light duty” after a medical evaluation, you must return to work and perform tasks you are asked to perform that are considered “light work.” However, if you feel you are unable

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to perform work duties, even light duty, you can request an additional hearing in front of the Commission to determine whether you can adequately perform the tasks required. This usually results in an additional medical evaluation in order to assess your full and complete medical condition.

Sometimes returning to work at a “light duty” status can result in lower wages due to a reduction in quantity of hours worked. The Workers’ Compensation Commission has enacted a policy to help employees by stating that they are entitled to receive weekly compensation that is 66.6% of the difference between your previous wage and your new wage. This allows you to receive compensation commiserate with your work ability and provides for an ease of adjustment back to your regular pay and work duties.

In most cases, your workers’ compensation checks continue to arrive for up to 150 days after your injury, even after you are cleared for light duty. However, your workers’ compensation benefits will terminate after you receive two copies of your Form 15 with Section II stating the cause for the ending of compensation. Should you disagree with the insurance company stopping compensation or need additional compensation beyond 150 days, you can complete Section III of Form 15 to request an additional hearing within 60 days.

The workers’ compensation process has many procedures and deadlines that affect your claim for compensation. Knowing which forms to file at the appropriate times help you receive your entitled benefits. If you or someone you know has been hurt on the job and is considering a claim or receiving benefits, call us today for a free consultation of your case. Our experienced team stands ready to assist you in getting just compensation for your injury. Here at the Dan Pruitt Injury Law Firm, we are available to help you in your recovery and will not accepts any payments for our services until you receive payment for your Workers’ Comp. case.

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