School Bus Accidents: A Real Danger for Our Children

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We drop our children at the bus stop, assuming they will arrive safely at school.  But school busses, like any other vehicle, are vulnerable to road conditions, mechanical failure, driver error, and other vehicles on the road.  If tragedy strikes, parents may wish to seek the counsel of a local personal injury attorney.

Spartanburg Accident

Ten students were hospitalized in Spartanburg following a school bus collision with an industrial van.  The bus, en route to Whitlock Flexible Learning Center, was struck by a van, whose driver was charged with driving too fast for road conditions.

Columbia Accident

Two students were sent to the hospital after their school bus was rear ended by a motorist who was travelling too fast for conditions.

Walterboro Accident

When a school bus overturned into a ditch in Walterboro, 30 kids were sent to the hospital.  The bus driver was cited with driving too fast for conditions.

Unsafe Busses

South Carolina law requires that school busses be retired after 15 years of service.  Nonetheless, lawmakers have not prioritized the replacement of older busses, leaving hundreds on the roads transporting 350,000 South Carolina children to and from school every day.  In fact nearly 40 percent of school busses—nearly 2,000 vehicles– are due for replacement based on the legislature’s timeline. One-fourth of busses are over 20 years old, and 60 of them are 30 years old. The problems associated with this failure to replace older busses are serious:

  • The busses are not as safe as newer models;
  • Breakdowns are more frequent;
  • Maintenance and operation costs are excessive.

school bus accidents in greenville south carolina

Real Danger

The problem is real.  Over 100 school bus engines have occurred in the past 20 years, resulting in emergency evacuations. Old busses have been disproportionately involved in these incidents.  These and other maintenance-related breakdowns occur more often than you might think, with roughly 250 such incidents occurring every single week.  Of those breakdowns, three-fourths involved older busses.  Imagine the peril if brakes or other important safety mechanisms go out on a school bus.  The devastation could be immeasurable.

Teach Children What to Do

When a school bus is involved in an accident or breaks down, children may become alarmed and unsure of what to do.  That’s why it is essential for parents to discuss these possibilities before such an event occurs.  Remind them to remain calm, pay attention to their surroundings, and follow instructions when it comes to bus evacuations.

Legal Recourse

Our children are the most precious of cargo.  When accidents occur due to the negligence or recklessness of others, and serious injuries are the result, there are legal remedies to assist with medical bills and associated costs.  At Dan Pruitt Injury Law Firm, we can help.  Contact us for a free, confidential consultation today.

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